Comer in the Present Perfect Tense

Name In Spanish: Pretérito Perfecto Compuesto de Indicativo

Other names in Spanish: Pretérito Perfecto

Taking a closer look at the name of a tense can sometimes give us a clue about what it refers to and how it is used. Without going into the etymological weeds too much, when we consider that the word "perfect" comes from the latin word "perfèctus", which mean to complete something fully, and that if something is finished it necessarily implies that it is something that has already happened in the past, then combining this knowledge with the fact that we know present means something that is happening now, a good starting point for describing what the present perfect is, would be to say that it refers to an action or event in the past that continues to be true or have relevance in the present. It is a compound verb tense, which means that two verbs are used; In this case

When to use this tense with comer

To express actions that have occurred in the recent past.

¿Has comido ya? Sí, he comido y ahora estoy de camino hacia casa.

Recent past actions with connection to the present:

He comido demasiado hoy y me siento lleno.

Actions repeated over time:

Siempre he comido frutas en el desayuno.

¿Alguna vez has comido comida tailandesa?

Life experience:

Nunca he comido ostras. ¿Has comido alguna vez comida india?

Changes or situations that affect the present:

He comido varias veces en ese restaurante y te aseguro que es muy bueno.

Hemos comido solamente proteína y tenemos más energía que nunca.

Read a dialog with comer in the Present Perfect Tense

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Mini Dialog for the Tense

Dos amigas hablando.

Two friends talking.

Carmen:   ¿Qué te pasa Cristina? Tienes mala cara...

What's wrong with you, Cristina? You look bad...

Cristina:   Creo que he comido algo en mal estado, me duele mucho el estómago.

I think I've eaten something bad, my stomach hurts a lot.

Carmen:   Pero nosotras hemos comido lo mismo y yo estoy fenomenal.

But we have eaten the same and I feel great.

Cristina:   No Carmen. Tu has comido el pescado sin salsa, ¿recuerdas?

No Carmen. You've eaten the fish without sauce, remember?

Carmen:   Es verdad. Vamos a preguntar a Carlos si él ha comido también el pescado con salsa.

It's true. Let's ask Carlos if he has also eaten the fish with sauce.

Conjugation chart for comer in the Present Perfect tense

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Yo he comidoI have eaten
Tú has comidoYou have eaten
Vos has comido(voseo) You have eaten
Usted ha comido(formal) You have eaten
Él / Ella ha comidoHe / she has eaten
Nosotros / Nosotras hemos comidoWe have eaten
Vosotros / Vosotras habéis comidoYou (all) have eaten
Ustedes han comido(formal) You (all) have eaten
Ellos / Ellas han comidoThey have eaten

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