Practice The Present Subjunctive Tense Tense

The present subjunctive functions similarly to the imperfect subjunctive but is applied in present or future contexts. It is commonly used in expressing desires, doubts, conveying ignorance, emotional responses and judgments, presenting impersonal options, and following words like "perhaps" and "maybe," among others. The range of situations is extensive, making it impractical to list them all here. I recommend practicing to gain a better understanding of when to use the present subjunctive in the Spanish language.

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Que yo coma arroz a menudo no significa que me encante la comida china.

Just because I eat rice often doesn't mean I love Chinese food.

Cuando yo coma un poco de tu plato, me regañas, pero todavía no lo he hecho.

When I eat some of your plate, you scold me, but I haven't yet.

Mientras yo coma lo que me gusta, no protestaré ningún día.

As long as I eat what I like, I won't protest any day.

Aunque tu comas mucho, es difícil que engordes.

Even if you eat a lot, it is difficult to put on weight.

Cuando tu comas iremos al parque.

When you eat we will go to the park.

Mientras tú no comas, estarás castigado sin teléfono móvil.

As long as you don't eat, you are grounded without a mobile phone.

Que vos comas sin ayuda es la mejor noticia del día.

That you eat without help is the best news of the day.

Cuando vos comas saldremos del restaurante para ir al concierto.

When you eat we will leave the restaurant to go to the concert.

Hasta que vos comas no podremos salir del hospital.

Until you eat, we can't leave the hospital.

A fin de que usted coma, iremos al restaurante de su chef preferido.

In order for you to eat, we will go to the restaurant of your favourite chef.

Cuando usted coma, logrará ponerse en forma.

When you eat, you will get fit.

Mientras usted coma, iremos por el buen camino.

As long as you eat, we are on the right track.

Con tal de que él coma, me da igual si juega con sus juguetes mientras tanto.

As long as he eats, I don't care if he plays with his toys in the meantime.

Cuando él coma no le distraiga.

When he eats, do not distract him

Para que él coma es necesario que haya silencio.

Silence is necessary for him to eat.

Con que nosotros comamos con el jefe es suficiente.

If we eat with the boss, that's enough.

Qué bueno que nosotros comamos juntos

It is good that we eat together.

Cuando nosotros comamos iremos a la piscina.

When we eat we will go to the swimming pool.

Con tal de que vosotros comáis pescado, no me importa limpiar los boquerones.

As long as you eat fish, I don't mind cleaning the anchovies.

Para que vosotros comáis, habrá que volver a poner la mesa.

In order for you to eat, the table will have to be set again.

Hasta que vosotros no comáis, permaneceremos aquí.

Until you do not eat, we will remain here.

Con tal de que ustedes coman, me da igual si usan tenedores o palillos.

As long as you eat, I don't care if you use forks or chopsticks.

Cuando ustedes coman sin sal, su tensión arterial mejorará.

When you eat without salt, your blood pressure will improve.

Cuando ustedes coman, no olviden utilizar la servilleta.

When you eat, don't forget to use your napkin.

Con tal de que ellos coman, me da igual si tenemos que esperar la cola.

As long as they eat, I don't care if we have to wait in line.

Para que ellos coman, nosotros hemos tenido que pedir pizzas.

In order for them to eat, we had to order pizzas.

Cuando ellos coman no les interrumpan.

When they eat, do not interrupt them.

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