Practice The Past Perfect Subjunctive / Pluperfect Subjunctive Tense

If we revisit the earlier definition of the "Past Perfect/Pluperfect" tense, which is used to portray past actions or events that occurred before another past action or event considered relevant, it becomes evident that an understanding of when to employ the subjunctive helps determine the use of the Past Perfect Subjunctive/Pluperfect Subjunctive. To illustrate, let's examine two instances: "Sabía que había comido un plátano antes del partido" (I knew I had eaten a banana before the game) and "Ojalá hubiera comido un plátano antes del partido" (I wish I had eaten a banana before the game). In the second example, the use of the subjunctive is apparent, as "Ojalá" signifies a wish, in contrast to the first example where "sabía" denotes a factual statement.

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Yo hubiera (o hubiese) comido ya, si no fuera porque tengo que esperar a mi hermano.

I would have (or would have) already eaten, except that I have to wait for my brother.

Yo hubiera (o hubiese) comido en casa de mi abuela, pero mi hermana no quiso.

I would have eaten at my grandmother's house, but my sister didn't want to.

Yo hubiera (o hubiese) comido espaguetis sin carne, que son más saludables.

I would have eaten meatless spaghetti, which is healthier.

Seguro que tú no hubieras (o hubieses) comido hasta que yo llegara a casa.

I'm sure you wouldn't have (or wouldn't have) eaten until I got home.

Si no fuera por mí, tú hubieras (o hubieses) comido solamente un sandwich.

If it wasn't for me, you would have (or would have) only eaten a sandwich.

Tú hubieras (o hubieses) comido antes de emprender el viaje, ¿verdad?

You would have (or would have) eaten before you set off, right?

Vos no hubieras (o hubieses) comido justo antes de ir a dormir.

You wouldn't have eaten just before going to sleep.

Vos hubieras (o hubieses) comido algunos frutos secos para subir la montaña con energía.

You would have eaten some nuts to climb the mountain with energy.

Vos no hubieras (o hubieses) comido demasiado porque para hacer deporte prefieres sentirte ligero.

You wouldn't have eaten too much because you prefer to feel light for sport.

Usted hubiera (o hubiese) comido huevos con bacon, pero como su médico se lo prohibió, ha preferido elegir pescado con verduras.

You would have eaten eggs with bacon, but since your doctor forbade it, you have chosen fish with vegetables.

Usted no hubiera (o hubiese) comido en casa de sus suegros, pero su mujer le convenció.

You would not have (or would not have) eaten at your in-laws' house, but your wife convinced you.

Si usted hubiera (o hubiese) comido lo mismo durante una semana, lo habría terminado aborreciendo.

If you had eaten the same thing for a week, you would have ended up loathing it.

Si él hubiera (o hubiese) comido con su hermano habría podido vigilar su alimentación.

If he would have eaten with his sibling he would have been able to monitor his food.

Si él hubiera (o hubiese) comido un plátano, una manzana y un yogurt para merendar, ahora no tendría hambre.

If he would have eaten a banana, an apple and a yoghurt for a snack, he would not be hungry now.

Él hubiera (o hubiese) comido una tostada de jamón con tomate para cenar.

He would have eaten a ham and tomato toast for dinner.

Nosotros hubiéramos (o hubiésemos) comido muy poco antes de subir al barco.

We would have eaten very little before boarding the ship.

Nosotros hubiéramos (o hubiésemos) comido ensalada de legumbres, que no requiere gran elaboración.

We would would have eaten legume salad, which does not require much elaboration.

Nosotros hubiéramos (o hubiésemos) comido un cubo de palomitas gigante en el cine.

We would have (or would have) eaten a giant bucket of popcorn at the cinema.

Vosotros hubierais (o hubieseis) comido solamente un sándwich de jamón y queso.

You would have eaten only a ham and cheese sandwich.

Sé que vosotros hubierais (o hubieseis) comido frutos secos durante la ruta en bici, pero olvidasteis cogerlos.

I know that you would have eaten nuts during the bike ride, but you forgot to take them.

Si vosotros no hubierais (o hubieseis) comido helado de postre, vuestro estómago trabajaría mejor la digestión de los alimentos.

If you had not eaten ice cream for dessert, your stomach would work better at digesting the food.

Si ustedes hubieran (o hubiesen) comido de manera saludable, ahora no tendrían problemas de colesterol.

If you would have eaten healthily, you would not have cholesterol problems now.

Si ustedes hubieran (o hubiesen) comido carne, habrían elegido un vino tinto y no blanco.

If you would have eaten meat, you would have chosen a red wine and not a white wine.

Aunque ustedes hubieran (o hubiesen) comido paella, seguirían teniendo hambre, porque nunca se sacian.

Even if you had eaten paella, you would still be hungry, because you never get enough.

Ellos hubieran (o hubiesen) comido lo que sobró del día anterior, pero su tía se obcecó para que fuesen a comer marisco en el mejor restaurante de la playa.

They would have eaten what was left over from the previous day, but their aunt was adamant that they should eat seafood at the best restaurant on the beach.

Ellos hubieran (o hubiesen) comido nachos con carne, pero su amigo les convenció para ir a un restaurante italiano.

They would have eaten nachos with meat, but their friend convinced them to go to an Italian restaurant.

Si ellos hubieran (o hubiesen) comido de tapas o raciones por el centro de Madrid, se habrían divertido muchísimo probando platos diferentes.

If they would have eaten tapas or raciones in the centre of Madrid, they would have had a lot of fun trying different dishes.

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