Practice The Conditional Tense

Named for its nature, the conditional, also referred to as the simple conditional, is a grammatical tense designed for conveying hypothetical scenarios, actions, or events contingent upon specific conditions. Frequently employed to convey politeness, formulate requests, or articulate potential outcomes under particular circumstances, the conditional tense is reminiscent of English expressions like 'could have,' 'should have,' or 'would have.' If you encounter thoughts involving these phrases in English, you likely need to employ the conditional tense in Spanish.

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Yo comería en la terraza si hubiera alguna sombra.

I would eat on the terrace if there was any shade.

Yo comería ya, pero me están esperando.

I would eat now, but they are waiting for me.

Yo comería un helado de vainilla y chocolate todos los días.

I would eat vanilla and chocolate ice cream every day.

Tú comerías mejor si te gustara cocinar.

You would eat better if you liked to cook.

Tú comerías más verduras y frutas si quisieras cuidarte.

You would eat more vegetables and fruit if you wanted to take care of yourself.

Tú comerías con los compañeros de trabajo si ellos no fueran tan antipáticos.

You would eat with your workmates if they weren't so unfriendly.

Vos comerías carne si el medico no te lo hubiera prohibido.

You would eat meat if the doctor had not forbidden it.

Vos comerías peor si vivieras en la india.

You would eat worse if you lived in India.

Vos comerías en un restaurante chino, si yo no te hubiera contado aquella historia.

You would be eating in a Chinese restaurant if I hadn't told you that story.

Usted comería verduras a la plancha todos los días.

You would eat grilled vegetables every day.

Usted comería en aquel restaurante si no fuera porque está muy lejos.

You would eat in that restaurant if it wasn't so far away.

Usted comería algo de tarta solo por educación.

You would eat some cake just to be polite.

Él comería solo si supiera cómo coger el tenedor.

He would eat alone if he knew how to pick up a fork.

Él comería sopa todos los días de invierno.

He would eat soup every winter day.

Él comería algo ahora para quitarse el hambre.

He would eat something now to get rid of hunger.

Nosotros comeríamos galletas de chocolate si quisiéramos coger peso.

We would eat chocolate biscuits if we wanted to gain weight.

Nosotros comeríamos tostadas de pan en lugar de cereales para desayunar.

We would eat toast instead of cereal for breakfast.

Nosotros comeríamos ensalada de atún todas las noches.

We would eat tuna salad every night.

Vosotros comeríais de barbacoa todo el verano, ¡os encanta!

You would eat barbecue all summer long, you love it!

Vosotros comeríais una manzana al día para conservar la salud.

You would eat an apple a day to stay healthy.

Vosotros comeríais con vuestro tío, si no se hubiera marchado a Inglaterra.

You would eat with your uncle, if he hadn't gone to England.

Ustedes comerían más despacio si no estuviesen tan nerviosos.

You would eat more slowly if you weren't so nervous.

Ustedes comerían de pie si no fuera porque hemos encontrado estas sillas.

You would be eating standing up if we hadn't found these chairs.

Ustedes comerían con nosotros, si no fuera porque nos tenemos que marchar.

You would eat with us, if it weren't for the fact that we have to leave.

Ellos comerían con su jefe si fuera más simpático.

They would eat with their boss if he were nicer.

Ellos comerían juntos si fueran novios

They would eat together if they were sweethearts.

Ellos comerían mejor si tuvieran su papilla preferida.

They would eat better if they had their favourite porridge.

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